Thursday, December 20, 2007

Season's Greetings

What a week. Lots of last minute running around and some last minute gift making, for Christmas, and for another brand new niece. I am such a procrastinator. I taught a recycled crafts class at the boys' school this week. Lots of fun. We made ornaments from old cards, pouches from sweaters, bowls from records, pin cushions from bottle caps, and a few others. I am tired, and my studio is trashed.

We are heading to snowy Wisconsin tomorrow, and looking forward to a long relaxing visit with friends and family, some new baby snuggling, and hopefully a White Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone. See you in 2008!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The halls were decked

Last night we went to a round robin party with our neighbors. It was one of the most fun evenings I have ever been a part of. Each house made one thing. Especially nice when one of your neighbors owns a chocolate shop. Not much prep, not much clean up, it was great. I've said it before, we have the best neighbors. I feel so lucky.
Friday night the boys were in a play at school. Mason played Jack in a story called Fearless Jack. Mitchel was recruited to be an extra yellow jacket. It was too cute.
Earlier in the week Mason's circus class put on by higher stages ended. They put on a really fun show. I can't say enough good things about higher stages. The instructors were great--so patient, and so much fun. They are in this year's Willamette Week give guide if you want to learn more about them. I'm still checking things off the list. We are working on some teacher gifts and a couple Christmas gifts this afternoon. I better get back to it. Happy Sunday Everyone!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Here is the screen shot from a couple days ago of the Etsy front page. To see these cool items and other great things from these pacific northwest shops, check out this article.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I spent the morning packing up the last of the packages that need to be sent out. The Christmas cards are done too, I feel like we have a handle on everything. Surprising considering the fall we've had around here. I still have a few more things I'm working on. Fun things.
The flowers in this picture are my new favorite- Sea Holly- they are so pretty and they dry the same color. I better get back to the making and checking things off the to do list.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wow-- It's been a long time. Our house was taken over by illness, and weather. We all seem to be on the mend, and the garage roof is back in place. The da vinci show went well. I was starting to think it wasn't going to be a success, but lots of shoppers came in at the last minute. I was also really excited to hear from Christine that my mirror spoon along with Trillium Artisans Johnny pillow was on the front page of Etsy. Woo hoo! I finished up the last of my Christmas shopping and I am happy to say that (excluding the kids) we bought Handmade. I bought some great gifts from some really cool artists. I'd like to show pictures, but since the recipients are readers it will have to wait. I'll be back soon with pictures. TTFN