Saturday, April 18, 2009


Things have been busier than usual around here lately. Throw in some computer problems, and it makes for some difficult blogging. My classes at the DIY lounge have been filling up and have been really fun. I've also been teaching a recycled arts class at the boy's school this semester. Here are a few pictures from that class.
These are before grout. I'll post more pictures when they are finished.This one is hard to see in the picture, but was done completely by a small group of kids. They designed it, cut the glass, and glued all the glass themselves. I am so proud!!
This last one is my favorite. Maybe the most fun project I've ever worked on. It is huge, and made from all the plastic bits that can't be easily recycled. We collected caps and plastic pieces for a few weeks. We had so many extras, that I think there may be more of these in the works.
I'm working on getting all the class photos together on flickr. I'll post again when that is done. If you are interested in the DIY Lounge classes, check them out here. Gotta run, and get the grouting done while the sun is out.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Look who found the Easter baskets first!

Yes, that is chocolate on his mouth. Happy Easter everyone!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Break

The kids have been out of school for the past two weeks, which explains why I haven't had a second to type. Last week we headed to Mt Hood for a ski day. It was the first time for both Mitchel and I. I was happy that I only wiped out once. Mitchel was fearless, and Mason barely came off the slopes long enough for me to even get a picture of him.
We spent a good part of the week making lots and lots of felt food for a special cousin's birthday. It was so fun, I had to force myself to stop long after the boys lost interest. There are tons of great tutorials on the internet. I just googled "felt food tutorials" and chose the ones I liked the best.
We've been getting ready for our second round of visitors later today, and a birthday party for my very favorite almost nine year old. I can't believe he's turning 9!
School resumes next week, and I am hoping to get in some work time. Until then, we will be here hanging out with the world's laziest dog.