Thursday, November 29, 2007

Catching Up.......

We had a nice long visit with the family this weekend. We all went out to the gorge for a hike and skipped the mall on Black Friday. It was so pretty, but so cold that the waterfalls were freezing on the side of the rocks. Everyone left Monday and I've been scrambling to get ready for this show this weekend and the daVinchi fair next weekend. The Trillium artisans gallery is fully stocked and has lots of spoon mirrors. I added a few new items to my Etsy shop today including a lighter garden ball that is almost the same size as a bowling ball but costs much less to ship. Redux has all three sizes of marble balls in stock, and I just got back from taking a bunch of work to Yesterday and Tomorrow. Phew-- I finally feel like I am getting caught up. Have a great weekend everybody!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm back

It went by so quickly, that it doesn't even seem like I left. Virginia was beautiful, and the baby was so sweet. I miss her already. We were able to do a little bit of sight seeing, while out there. We toured Jamestown, and visited Yorktown (my favorite), Williamsburg, and Fort Monroe. I learned so much. There was a lot more that we could have seen, maybe next time.

Checking out the Constant Susan at Jamestown Settlement

Family arrives tomorrow for a nice long weekend, so I have to get back to the cooking.......Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I'm Leaving on a jet plane...............

Yesterday was the Holiday Sale at Trillium Artisan's. The store looked great, so festive. Everyone brought in a lot of new stuff, including me.

Here is a close up of one of my new garden (ornaments, objects, sculptures)- I don't even know what to call them- that I brought into the store.
We started a babysitting swap with our neighbors, so last night Matt and I went out without kids. It was great. We did most of our Christmas shopping. It seems early, but with his traveling and my shows it will be here before we know it. Tomorrow morning I am going to Virginia to see my friend and her kiddos for a week. This is the longest I have been away by myself in more than 8 years. I'm even looking forward to the plane ride and bringing lots of magazines and this quilt that still needs a few finishing touches. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to share when I get back. Until then, have a great week everyone.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Trillium Artisan's Picks for Best gifts for a Gardener

On Thursday mornings I help work on the Trillium Artisan's Etsy shop. This morning I did my first poster sketch- picks for best holiday gift for a gardener. Every time I do something new, it seems like it takes me forever, but I am learning as I go. This was fun and I learned how to do a bunch of new things. To see it larger click here.
If you like what you see and want to see a list of the item numbers, contact me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pink and a Halloween Picture

Just popping out of the basement to say a quick "hello". I am getting ready to bring a few new things to the Trillium show on Saturday, and am feverishly preparing for a couple of other holiday shows. I can't believe how fast they are coming up. More details soon..........
Besides getting ready for the shows, I have been doing some serious girly crafting. A facelift of a favorite old toy for a sweet little cousin, and a quilt on which I got to use lots of PINK. I am leaving Monday for a week to visit one of our best friends. I was supposed to be arriving before her baby was born, but her daughter decided to come early. Welcome Grace, I can't wait to meet you. Well, I better get back down there. I'll post again with pictures, once the camera is charged, until then here is one from last week.